Introduction to Film & Television Accounting: Phase I

March 2, 201310am - 3pm Location: Georgia State University, Classroom South

General Registration -- $90 ATLFF365 & WIFTA -- $75

As you probably know, Georgia is quickly becoming the go-to state for film and television productions. Our state’s lucrative tax incentive program has made this an exciting time for those in the entertainment industry. In order to meet the demands of the burgeoning Southeast, Production Accounting and Crew Services, LLC , Atlanta Film Festival 365, and Women in Film and Television in Atlanta (WIFTA) are partnering on a preparatory seminar that will introduce job opportunities in production accounting. Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 2, 2013, as this will be Phase I of this monumental seminar. During this phase, attendees will learn the role and the importance of all the positions in the accounting department.

  • Accounting Clerk
  • 2nd Assistant Accountant,
  • 1st Assistant Accountant
  • Payroll Accountant
  • Key Accountant or Estimator

You will also learn the day to day responsibilities of each position and how the records they process are used to present important financial information to producers and studio executives. After Phase I, you will be knowledgeable enough to know if the accounting department is right for you! Immediately following, Production Accounting and Crew Services (PACS) will offer Phase II of the accounting seminar where each participant will receive hands on training. Each person in attendance will walk away with enough knowledge and the skill set required to work for PACS in the accounting department on a film or television show. Please Note that attendance in the first seminar is mandatory for participation in phase two, “Film & Television Accounting Seminar: 102”.

To register click on the button below. Or register at under the training section, where you will find additional information about the training courses. The cost for the Film & Television Accounting Seminar: 101 is $90. If you are a member of WIFTA or ATLFF365, receive a discount and the cost will be $75.00.

Special for undergraduate students, first five to use promo code student13 can register for $35. Must show a current student i.d. at check-in.


[button color="#COLOR_CODE" background="#COLOR_CODE" size="medium" src=""]Register for Phase I[/button]



Cheryl Jenkins

Cheryl Jenkins

Cheryl Jenkins has been creating and managing production budgets for over 15 years as a production accountant and line producer.  Jenkins started her career in Hollywood working on projects for major studios like Fox, NBC/Universal, New Line Television and MTV on projects such as The Last Comic Standing, The Real Wedding Crashers and Family Foreman.  Here in Georgia, Jenkins, who is also owner of Production Accounting and Crew Services Int'l has been the go-to professional fornotable productions like My Super Psycho Sweet 16, Gamers and Single Ladies.


Lisa Annitti

Lisa Annitti

When it comes to film or television production, Lisa Annitti is a great source for help with watching your bottom line. That's because of the career path she has followed on the financial side of the entertainment industry. In fact, Annitti has spent the past 13 years working her way through the ranks in the accounting department with production companies such as ABC, Sony, Fox and CBS. Lisa is currently the production accountant on the hit ABC show, "Revenge," where she oversees the day-to-day budget and operations in the accounting department.


presented by

Women in Film & Television Atlanta

The Props Department-An Introduction


Working in Locations - An Overview