Jan. 12: Call for Atlanta ACTORs – Read-Through of Writers’ Scripts – 101 Screenwriting Workshop

As part of our ‘Screenwriting 101’ workshop from Fall 2012 that just wrapped in December 2012, we are offering our first-time writers who have graduated from the class the opportunity to have professional actors perform 10 pages of their screenplays in a special read-through event on Saturday, January 12th at 10AM at: The Plaza Theater 1049 Ponce De Leon Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30306

We are inviting actors from the local community who would like to volunteer their time and perform the work written by screenwriting students. It will be a memorable event for the writers and we thank you in advance for your support! Actors interested in participating can RSVP ahead of time or come day of by contacting Soweto Bosia at soweto@atlantafilmfestival.com. Participating actors will receive 4 tickets for the Atlanta Film Festival (excludes Opening or Closing Night).

The read-through event (no on-camera performance) will last approximately 2 to 2 ½ hours. And, refreshments will be provided.

Our student writers’ scripts include the following genres:

- coming of age / drama - horror/comedy - romantic comedy - drama - comedy

And, we are seeking multiple actors for each of the following descriptions to provide variety for students’ scripts to be performed:

- Male - 40-50s - Female – 30s+ - Male – “Father” role of adult children – 50s+ - Female – “Mother” role of adult children – 50s+ - Male – teen aged / early 20s - Female – lead in romantic comedies – 20-30s

Thank you for your support!


Advanced Screenwriting Mentored Workshop


Feb. 19 - Eat, Drink & B-Indie: Matt Goldberg of Collider.com