Writer's Weekend with Michael Lucker
Michael Lucker.
2013 festivalgoers may remember Michael Lucker from our "Succinct Seduction" panel on the Art and Science of Oneliners and Elevator Pitches. A one-time assistant to Steven Spielberg, Lucker has written more than twenty feature screenplays for studios such as Paramount, Disney, DreamWorks, Fox, and Universal (including "Vampire in Brooklyn," "Home on the Range," and the Academy Award-nominated "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron"). He is offering a unique opportunity to share his expertise with local writers by hosting a Writers Weekend on August 10th-11th. Over the course of two eight-hour days, aspiring writers will be guided from the germ of an idea to the final pitch, learning everything they need to know about crafting a successful screenplay.
A lot of screenwriting teachers claim to teach what you need to make it in the movie biz – but how many of them have actually done it? At Screenwriter School, Michael will teach you how to go from first idea to first sale – the way only an experienced screenwriter can do it.
Learn more about the Writer's Weekend here, or register now.
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