Podcast: Terrified of "Networking" At Film Festivals? Listen up.

Photo credit: gagilas

Photo credit: gagilas

Christopher Holland
Film Festival Secrets

 Use the player above or download the full episode here. You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. (This new episode will appear in the feed later today.)

Episode #14, featuring ATLFF Artistic Director Charles Judson and Ops/Marketing Director Chris Holland. This time we talk about 3 essential tools for networking at a film festival: business cards (lots of 'em!), screeners, and postcards for your film. Learn the basics about what should be on them and when to offer them.

You can learn even more about making professional connections at film festivals with our upcoming webinar:

Network, Schmetwork: How To Make Friends At Film Festivals Without Feeling Sleazy
November 13th. 2013
8:30 pm Eastern Time 

Making industry contacts at a festival in a strange town can be a daunting task. Festival vet & Film Festival Secrets author Chris Holland shows you how to go in with a game plan and make it look natural. Whether your goal is to play more festivals, build your career, or sell your film, you'll learn the right and wrong ways to introduce yourself.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM (ET)  

There will be time for questions at the end of the webinar.

After the webinar, participants will receive a copy of my Film Festival Networking Cheat Sheet, a checklist of things to do that will help maximize your networking efforts at film festivals.

All you need to attend is a web browser or iOS/Android device and a strong internet connection. Instructions on attending the webinar will be sent upon registration.

The list price for this class is $30 but readers of this blog may use promo code atlff for a $10 discount. 

Eventbrite - Network Schmetwork: How To Make Friends at a Film Festival -ATLFF Webinar

37 filmmakers. One line each. One shot each. Watch this and Smile.


Atlanta Film Festival - Fall Professional Development Classes