Change a small corner of the world


Last week we chatted with Joe Beyer, the Director of Digital Initiatives at the Sundance Film Festival, about his efforts to save a small ranch in Arizona called Rex Ranch. Beyer wants to turn Rex Ranch into an artist's retreat and cultural center. Raising approximately $750,000 in 45 days through crowdfunding is an immense task, but Joe does it with a smile because, as he says, he's "not afraid to fail."

We've had a few people ask on social media how the campaign is going, and how Joe is holding up. Since we spoke with Beyer last week, the dollar count on the web site for the campaign has gone from $7000 raised to nearly $20,000. And while that's still just a fraction of what they need, Beyer tells us that many supporters are donating by check -- donations which can't be reflected on the site. As for Joe himself, well, here's a video he posted to Facebook yesterday.

The world loves an underdog story, and this is definitely one of those. To learn more about how you can help, visit the Save Rex Ranch Rally page.


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