Rock Out With Your Inner Science Nerd Kid and They Might Be Giants

It's Friday afternoon, and that means it's time to shut down Outlook and surf web videos until five o'clock arrives. Might we suggest 2011 Mountainfilm in Telluride selection "I Am A Paleontologist?" It has every thing your inner science nerd needs - They Might Be Giants in animated form, dinosaurs, and taxonomy.

Once you're done making your office chair shimmy, make plans to take your inner science nerd kid (INSK) to  Mountainfilm on Tour ATL,  the local version of Mountailnfilm (September 6&7) which showcases more great short films like this one. Of particular interest to your INSK is Kidz Kino, a set of kid-friendly Mountainfilm shorts. Check it out.

(Kidz Kino is presented by the US - UAE Business Council.) 

Directed by Sean McBride. TMBG bassist Danny Weinkauf stars in this one--from the brand new Here Comes Science. Download this video at iTunes or get the DVD/CD set at Amazon now!


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