How Can Working With a Music Supervisor Save Time, Money and Your Distribution Prospects?
Photo by hanul
While I am all for learning the art of filmmaking on the job, there are instances where prior formal education and training would save some big hassles in seeing [a] film out to market. One big oversight that I see within in the DIY filmmaking movement is in music licensing. Without the proper music clearances, a film can go from poised to explode on the market to a wasted effort only your kids will see. If you don’t have the knowledge and experience to ensure proper licensing, it is best to bring in a professional.
"I personally have encountered filmmakers who only cleared their film’s music tracks for festival play, thinking that a distributor would agree to pick up the clearance costs later or the advance will be big enough to pay for the clearances. But unless the film is stellar, gets significant attention from A-list fests and is considered a hot property, this is not going to happen."
Read Sheri Candler's Piece on MovieMaker
Sheri Candler is Director of Digital Marketing Strategy for The Film Collaborative. Join us Sunday, October 20, 4:00pm for her webinar: Distribution is 100% achievable…but probably not in the way you think.