Mix-n-Match Interview: Blake Robbins, Director and Star of "The Sublime & Beautiful"
Complete this sentence: "If you liked IN THE BEDROOM or A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE, you'll like my film."
I say this because these are two films that FlimMaker Magazine used in a very favorable review of our movie after is screened at Slamdance.
Is your film for dog people or cat people? Why?
Well this is obscure but there are a couple of moments with the family dog in our film, but I wouldn't come to see the dog- most of his performance ended up on the cutting room floor.
What's the most challenging part of making a film for you? Do you enjoy that challenge, or is its something to be avoided?
The most challenging part of making a film for me? Well its cliche but everything is a challenge and I absolutely embraced that. Otherwise the film wouldn't exist. I made the movie with very little money that I raised from friends and family and shot it in 12 days. The whole thing was highly improbable and about as Indie film as you can get.
Of the filmmakers working today, whose talent do you most want to steal?
Just about everyone's—there are so many great filmmakers making movies today. Not a week goes by that I don't see a film where I get jealous and wish that I had directed it or acted in it. That being said I'll just keep plugging away with my own stuff and use it for inspiration. Some favorites include Paul Thomas Anderson, John Cassavetes, Todd Field, Steven Soderbergh and truly I could go on and on.
What are your three favorite ways to eat potatoes?
1. Baked with lots of butter, salt and pepper next to twelve ounces of red meat. 2. Prepared in any fashion on a tropical island, with a fruity drink and a sunset. 3. Garlic fries anywhere.
Name three films you consider to be under-appreciated and explain their hidden genius.
I don't know that these are 3 films that are under-appreciated but whenever I catch them on television I sit through them no matter where I catch them in the story. Splendor in the Grass, Weird Science, and almost anything by Mel Brooks.
The Sublime and Beautiful screens Saturday, April 5 at 2:45 PM at The Plaza Theatre.