DAVE MADE A MAZE Set to Open Up the 41st Atlanta Film Festival!
Get your tickets now for ATLFF's most exclusive screening and party—Opening Night! Sponsored by Moonshine Post-Production.
directed by Bill Watterson
USA, 2017, English, 81 minutes
Friday, March 24, 2017, 7:00 PM — Plaza Theatre, Downstairs
In a struggling attempt to create something of significance, Dave builds a fort in his living room where he falls victim to his own creation. Now trapped in a world filled with booby traps and fantastical pitfalls, Dave advises his girlfriend against entering the ever-changing mythical world to save him. —Kevon Pryce
Director Bill Watterson and select cast and crew members scheduled to attend.
#Narrative #Animation #Marquee #Puppetry
The Opening Night Party (sponsored by Moonshine Post-Production) will be held from 9 PM - 12 AM at Paris on Ponce—open to all Opening Night ticket-holders, as well as FILMMAKER, PRODUCER and ALL-ACCESS badge-holders (includes INDUSTRY, PRESS and WEEKEND 1). Wristbands for the afterparty will be distributed at the screening.